Clean Room Products

Thanks for reviewing AzCoat’s line of clean room label products. Designed for clean rooms labels or we know you need a quality products reasonably priced in the market place to succeed and will not work aggressively to accomplish that objective.

Our White and Clear films in various thicknesses are known for durability and quality. Have a special application that requires a specific top coating, we can develop top coating and product for your application. Need color film or liner, need special film or liner? We can do that!

Thank you !

AzLyte - Product Guid
For more information: or (888) 577-5786 or
Product NumberDescriptionMaster Roll WidthTotal Construction Caliper Approx.
200004Product Item: AzLyte 320/PP 3mil TTMS Synthetic Film, Permanent Arcylic Adhesive, Clear Poly Liner.29"6 mil
200497Product Item: AzLyte 300S/LUBPP 3mil TTMS Synthetic Film, Perm/Removable Arcylic Adhesive, Clear Poly Liner.26"6 mil
200511Product Item: AzLyte 320S/LUBPP 3mil TTMS Synthetic Film, Perm/Removable Arcylic Adhesive, Clear Poly Liner.29"6 mil
200515Product Item: AzTherm TH3/171PP 3mil Direct Thermal Poly, Perm/Removable Arcylic Adhesive, Clear Poly Liner.29"6 mil